
Prayer Points On It Is Finished

Prayer Points On It Is Finished

Jesus’ words, “It is Finished,” spoken while hanging on the cross, have a profoundly meaningful meaning for Christians as a statement of fulfillment and completion. Understanding the significance of these profound words can be gained by investigating prayer points surrounding them. By embracing the fullness of Christ’s work on the cross and getting into the depths of His sacrifice, these prayer points offer a means of achieving spiritual alignment. Let’s engage in prayer points on “It is Finished,” going deep into its complex meaning and embracing its capacity to transform our lives.


Prayer Points On It Is Finished

The final words of Jesus on the cross, “It is finished,” reverberate through time with profound significance. They mark the culmination of His earthly mission, the fulfillment of ancient prophecies, and the triumphant conquest over sin and death. These words, however, are not merely a historical record; they pulsate with life and offer powerful fuel for our prayers. Let us enter into some prayer points that ignite our faith and draw us closer to the transformative power of “It is finished.”


1. Acknowledging the Finished Work

Begin by thanking God for the sacrifice of Jesus. Express gratitude for His unwavering love that led Him to endure the cross and its agonizing pain. Declare your belief in the finished work of Calvary, acknowledging that Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins, securing our eternal salvation.

Example Prayer

“Father, my heart overflows with gratitude for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ. I thank You for His boundless love that brought Him to the cross. I believe and confess that His sacrifice on Calvary was perfect and complete, redeeming me from sin and death. Thank You, Lord, for declaring ‘It is finished.'”

2. Receiving the Power of Completion

Pray for the transformative power of Christ’s finished work to permeate every area of your life. Ask for forgiveness for your shortcomings and surrender any areas where you still cling to burdens or past failures. Declare that the victory of the cross extends to every aspect of your being, granting you freedom and wholeness.

Example Prayer


“Lord, I release myself from the shackles of my past and surrender any lingering guilt and shame. I confess my shortcomings and ask for Your forgiveness. Let the power of Your ‘It is finished’ cleanse me and fill me with Your perfect grace. Grant me victory over temptation and renew me in Your image.”

3. Claiming the Victory Over Evil

Pray against the forces of darkness that seek to diminish the impact of Christ’s completed work. Declare the authority of the cross over sin, sickness, and death. Stand firm in faith, wielding the shield of Jesus’ sacrifice to combat negativity, doubt, and fear.

Example Prayer

“In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind and rebuke any evil forces that seek to steal the victory of the cross. I declare Your ‘It is finished’ to be my shield and weapon. I resist the whispers of doubt and fear, and stand firm in the power of Your sacrifice. May Your victory over sin and death reign supreme in my life.”

4. Embracing the Hope of New Beginnings

Let the “It is finished” be a springboard for hope and new beginnings. Pray for the courage to step into the future with confidence, knowing that God has overcome the world and paved the way for your success and fulfillment. Ask for the wisdom to discern His will and the strength to pursue His purpose for your life.


Example Prayer

“Lord, I embrace the hope and promise that Your ‘It is finished’ offers. I release the past and step into the future with unwavering faith. Guide me with Your wisdom and strengthen me to fulfill Your purpose for my life. Let the victory of the cross be a constant reminder of Your love and my potential in You.”

5. Sharing the Light of His Triumph

Finally, pray for the opportunity to share the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice with others. Ask for the courage to speak His truth with love and compassion, inviting others to experience the freedom and joy found in the finished work of the cross.

Example Prayer

“Lord, grant me the boldness to share the message of Your ‘It is finished’ with others. Let Your love flow through me, inspiring hope and faith in those around me. Guide me to plant seeds of His victory in the hearts of others, so they too can experience the transformative power of Your sacrifice.

Recall that prayer is a conversation, not a monologue. As you work through these prayer points, pay attention to what God is saying and let the Holy Spirit lead you to a deeper understanding of what it means to say “It is finished.” I pray that these words will serve as a source of strength and hope, a constant reminder of the unwavering love and victorious outcome that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice has secured for you.


When we ponder “It is Finished,” we uncover the breadth of Christ’s atonement and the fullness of His work on the cross. These prayer points act as a spiritual compass, pointing us in the direction of accepting the significance of His proclamation and aligning ourselves with His grace. May these words bring us comfort, healing, and a deeper comprehension of the redemption provided by Christ’s completed work on Calvary as we pray and consider them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does “It is Finished” mean in Christian theology?

Understanding the theological depth of this phrase and its significance in the completion of Christ’s redemptive work.

How can believers apply “It is Finished” in their prayer life?

Exploring practical ways to incorporate this declaration into personal prayers for spiritual growth and alignment.

Can praying on “It is Finished” bring assurance of salvation?

Clarifying how prayerful meditation on this phrase deepens understanding and brings assurance of salvation through Christ.

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